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My Hope. Various. Intermediate.


Mijn Hope. Divers. Tussenliggend.


My Hope. Songs Inspired by the Message and Mission of Billy Graham. Arranged by Various. Songbooks and Folios. Moderate. Softcover. 104 pages. Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing #4575723687. Published by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. HL.75723687. ISBN 1598022199. 9x12 inches. This long-awaited songbook, which matches the multi-artist CD release of My Hope , coincides with the historic event that recently honored Billy Graham by bringing together 11 of the biggest names in Christian music – each with a special connection to this man and his ministry. Featuring songs recorded by Newsboys, Amy Grant, Kari Jobe, Michael W. Smith, Matthew West, TobyMac, Nichole Nordeman, Israel Houghton, Darlene Zschech, Lacey Sturm, and The Tommy Coomes Band. Now these powerful songs are available for you in PVG format. Songs include. We Believe. So Loved. The Reason. The Cross is My Confession. Take Me Home. Be My Rescue. Broken Pieces. Jesus, Take All of Me. Just As I Am. The Cross of Christ. My Hope. Mercy Tree. City on Our Knees. We Believe. The Reason. The Cross of Christ. Take Me Home. Broken Pieces. My Hope. City On Our Knees. Mercy Tree. So Loved. The Cross is My Confession. Be My Rescue. Jesus, Take All of Me. Just As I Am.


Mijn Hope. Songs Inspired by the Message and Mission of Billy Graham. Georganiseerd door Various. Liedboeken en Folio. Matig. Softcover. 104 pagina's. Брентвуд-Бенсон Music Publishing. Gepubliceerd door Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. HL.75723687. ISBN 1598022199. 9x12 inch. Deze langverwachte songbook, die de multi-kunstenaar CD release van Mijn Hoop past, valt samen met de historische gebeurtenis die onlangs Billy Graham geëerd door samen 11 van de grootste namen in de christelijke muziek brengen - elk met een speciale verbinding met deze man en zijn ministerie. Met nummers opgenomen door Newsboys, Amy Grant, Kari Jobe, Michael W. Smith, Matthew West, TobyMac, Nichole Nordeman, Israel Houghton, Darlene Zschech, Lacey Sturm, en The Tommy Coomes Band. Nu deze krachtige nummers zijn beschikbaar voor u in PVG-formaat. De liederen omvatten. We Believe. Alzo lief. The Reason. Het kruis is My Confession. Take Me Home. Be My Rescue. Broken Pieces. Jezus, All of Me Take. Just As I Am. Het kruis van Christus. Mijn Hope. Mercy Tree. Stad op onze knieën. We Believe. The Reason. Het kruis van Christus. Take Me Home. Broken Pieces. Mijn Hope. Stad op onze knieën. Mercy Tree. Alzo lief. Het kruis is My Confession. Be My Rescue. Jezus, All of Me Take. Just As I Am.