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Billy Joel - Piano Man. Billy Joel. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.Vertaling
Billy Joel - Piano Man. Billy Joel. Piano, Zang, Gitaar bladmuziek. Voice bladmuziek. Gitaar bladmuziek.Oorspronkelijk
Billy Joel - Piano Man by Billy Joel. Arranged by David Rosenthal. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Artist Songbook. Softcover. 88 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.307333. ISBN 1458415317. 9x12 inches. David Rosenthal, Billy's keyboardist and Music Director, has carefully arranged all the tracks from Joel's classic 1973 release to combine the piano parts and vocal melodies into playable arrangements while transcribing those classic piano parts that are integral to each song. This book features the iconic title track and nine others. Ain't No Crime. The. Ballad of Billy the Kid. Captain Jack. If I Only Had the Words. To Tell You. Somewhere Along the Line. Stop in Nevada. Travelin' Prayer. Worse Comes to Worst. You're My Home. Also includes a foreword by David Rosenthal. Ain't No Crime. The. Ballad Of Billy The Kid. Captain Jack. Piano Man. If I Only Had The Words. To Tell You. Somewhere Along The Line. Stop In Nevada. Travelin' Prayer. Worse Comes To Worst. You're My Home.Vertaling
Billy Joel - Piano Man van Billy Joel. Georganiseerd door David Rosenthal. For Piano. Vocal. Gitaar. Plan. Vocal. Guitar Artist Songbook. Softcover. 88 pagina. Gepubliceerd door Hal Leonard. HL.307333. ISBN 1458415317. 9x12 inch. David Rosenthal, Billy's toetsenist en dirigent, is zorgvuldig gearrangeerd alle tracks van Joel's klassieke 1973 vrij te geven aan de piano onderdelen en vocale melodieën combineren in speelbare arrangementen tijdens het transcriberen van die klassieke piano-onderdelen die een integraal onderdeel van elke song zijn. Dit boek bevat de iconische titelnummer en negen anderen. Aint No Crime. De. Ballade van Billy the Kid. Captain Jack. Had ik maar de woorden. To Tell You. Ergens langs de lijn. Stop in Nevada. Gebed Travelin '. Ergste geval. You're My Home. Bevat ook een voorwoord van David Rosenthal. Aint No Crime. De. Ballad Of Billy The Kid. Captain Jack. Piano Man. Als ik slechts gehad The Words. To Tell You. Ergens langs de lijn. Stop In Nevada. Gebed Travelin '. Worse Comes To Worst. You're My Home.Populaire verzoeken