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String Quartet No 0 - PARTS. Colin Bayliss. Cello sheet music. Viola sheet music. Violin sheet music. Advanced.Vertaling
String Quartet No 0 - PARTS. Colin Bayliss. Cello bladmuziek. Viola bladmuziek. Viool bladmuziek. Vergevorderd.Oorspronkelijk
String Quartet No 0 - PARTS composed by Colin Bayliss. 1948-. For String Quartet. 20th Century. Advanced Intermediate. Set of Parts. Published by Colin Bayliss. S0.39187. The work was completed on February 2nd 1970 and is the first piece to be retainedby the composer after he had destroyed all his earlier compositions. The Score is available as a separate downloadThe following is taken from the catalogue of the composer's works. -The photocopy of the MS is marked String Quartet No. 1, but is not regarded by the composer as part of hismature string quartet writing. The MS itself was lost in a fire at the home of Col. Robert Tong, formerlyRegistrar of Queen Mary College, University of London. A typesetting was made in November 2000 as thephotocopy had faded so badly. The composer's sketch books suggest that the movements were written in the order3,2,4,1.1. Allegro2. Scherzo. Allegro energico. Trio I - tempo di menuetto Trio II - no tempo indicated -. andante. Andante con moto4. Allegro ma non troppoComposer's note. -As the above suggests, I originally had no intention of publishing this early piece. The recording by the Lochrian String Quartet of the six numberedquartets, however , together with sleeve notes admitting the existence ofthis work, prompted me into revising my opinion and allowing itspublication, so that anyone wishing to study this first effort may do so. It shows certain traits that I was to develop in the six quartets and othersthat I was to discard, and therefore is of musicological interest. It alsohas a few good, albeit imitative, tunes. Duration. Approx. 25 mins. COLIN BAYLISS was born in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire in 1948. His life-longlove of music led him to compose from an early age and he now has a catalogue ofover a hundred works including two operas, four symphonies, six string quartetsand many other pieces for most instrumental and chamber groupings, overseventy of them published. He is a member of the British Academy of Composers and Songwriters, the NorthWest Composers' Association and the Performing Rights Society. As well as writing music himself, he has also compiled annotated catalogues of theworks of Anthony Hedges and Sir Peter Maxwell Davies. CDs of his piano music played by David Martin and complete organ music playedby Ronald Frost are available on the New Century Classics label. Please feel free to use these biographical and programme notes in your concert programmes. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.Vertaling
String Quartet No 0 - PARTS composed by Colin Bayliss. 1948 -. Voor strijkkwartet. 20e eeuw. Geavanceerde Intermediate. Set van Parts. Gepubliceerd door Colin Bayliss. S0.39187. The work was completed on February 2nd 1970 and is the first piece to be retainedby the composer after he had destroyed all his earlier compositions. The Score is available as a separate downloadThe following is taken from the catalogue of the composer's works. -The photocopy of the MS is marked String Quartet No. 1, but is not regarded by the composer as part of hismature string quartet writing. The MS itself was lost in a fire at the home of Col. Robert Tong, formerlyRegistrar of Queen Mary College, University of London. A typesetting was made in November 2000 as thephotocopy had faded so badly. The composer's sketch books suggest that the movements were written in the order3,2,4,1.1. Allegro2. Grap. Allegro energico. Trio I - tempo di menuetto Trio II - no tempo indicated -. andante. Andante con moto4. Allegro ma non troppoComposer's note. -As the above suggests, I originally had no intention of publishing this early piece. The recording by the Lochrian String Quartet of the six numberedquartets, however , together with sleeve notes admitting the existence ofthis work, prompted me into revising my opinion and allowing itspublication, so that anyone wishing to study this first effort may do so. It shows certain traits that I was to develop in the six quartets and othersthat I was to discard, and therefore is of musicological interest. It alsohas a few good, albeit imitative, tunes. Duur. Ca. 25 mins. COLIN BAYLISS was born in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire in 1948. His life-longlove of music led him to compose from an early age and he now has a catalogue ofover a hundred works including two operas, four symphonies, six string quartetsand many other pieces for most instrumental and chamber groupings, overseventy of them published. He is a member of the British Academy of Composers and Songwriters, the NorthWest Composers' Association and the Performing Rights Society. As well as writing music himself, he has also compiled annotated catalogues of theworks of Anthony Hedges and Sir Peter Maxwell Davies. CDs of his piano music played by David Martin and complete organ music playedby Ronald Frost are available on the New Century Classics label. Please feel free to use these biographical and programme notes in your concert programmes. Digital Print is bedrukbaar bladmuziek altijd en overal beschikbaar. Gewoon kopen, print en play. Bekijk uw online bladmuziek thuis, op school, werk of waar dan ook heb je een computer aangesloten op het internet. Gebruik onze iPad-app om uw digitale bladmuziek te bekijken op de weg. Met Digital Print, kunt u uw digitale bladmuziek onmiddellijk na de aankoop af te drukken, of wacht tot de gunstige. En onze software installatie is eenvoudig - wij begeleiden u door de eenvoudige stappen om ervoor te zorgen dat u de Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR en de Sheet Music Plus AIR-toepassing.Populaire verzoeken
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