
Woorden: Soundtrack Artists. It's Hot Up Here.

It's hot up here

It's hot and it's monotonous

I want my glasses

This is not my good profile

[[Celeste #2]]
Nobody can even see my profile

[[Celeste #1]]
I hate this dress

[[Celeste #2]]
The soldiers have forgotten us

The boatman schwitzes

I am completely out of proportion

These helmets weigh a lot on us

[[Old Lady]]
This tree is blocking my view

I can't see anything

Why are they complaining?
It could have been raining

I hate these people

It's hot up here
A lot up here
It's hot up here
A lot of fun
It's not up here
It's hot up here
No matter what

There's not a breath
Of air up here
And they're up here
It's not my fault
I got up here
I'll rot up here
I am so hot up here

Darling, don't clutch mother's hand quite so tightly
Thank you

[[Celeste #1]]
It's hot up here

At least you have a parasol

[[Soldier, Nurse, Yvonne, & Louise]]
Well, look who's talking
Sitting in the shade

I trust my cigar is not bothering you
Unfortunately, it never goes out

[[Soldier (to Companion)]]
It's good to be together again

[[Celeste #2]]
See, I told you they were odd

[[Celeste #1]]
Don't slouch

He took my glasses

You've been eating something sticky

I put on rouge today, too...

Don't you ever take a bath?

[[Old Lady]]
Nurse! Hand me my fan

I can't

[[Celeste #2]]
At least the brat is with her mother

I heard that!

[[Jules (to Dot)]]
Do you like tall grass?



Bunch of animals...

I hate these people

It's hot up here
And strange up here
No change up here

How still it is
How odd it is
And God, it is
So hot!

I like the one in the light hat

Hello George
I do not wish to be remembered
Like this, George,
With them, George
My hem, George
Three inches off the ground
And then this monkey
And these people, George
They'll argue till they fade
And whisper things and grunt
But thank you for the shade
And putting me in front
Yes, thank you, George, for that...
And for the hat...

[[Celeste #1]]
It's hot up here

It's hot and it's monotonous

I want my glasses!

This is not my good profile

[[Celeste #1]]
I hate this dress

[[Celeste #2]]
The soldiers have forgotten us

[[Celeste #1]]
Don't slouch!


Are you sure you don't like tall grass

I put on rouge today, too...

Don't you ever take a bath?

It's good to be together again

[[Old Lady]]
Nurse, hand me my fan

It's hot up here

It's hot and It's monotonous

He took my glasses, I want my glasses!

This is not my good profile

And furthermore,
Finding you're
Is very degrading
And God, I am so hot!
Well, there are worse things than sweating
By a river on a Sunday
There are worse things than sweating by a river

When you're sweating in a picture
That was painted by a genius

And you know that you're immortal

And you'll always be remembered

Even if they never see you

[[Old Lady]]
And you're listening to drivel

And you're part of your companion

And your glasses have been stolen

And you're bored beyond endurance

And the baby has no diapers

[[Celeste #1 (to Celeste #2)]]
And you're slouching

[[Celeste #2]]
I am not!

And you are out of all proportion

And I hate these people!

You never get
A breeze up here,
And she's (he's)
up here
You cannot run
Amok up here
You're stuck up here
In this gavotte

Perspectives don't
Make sense up here
It's tense up here
The outward show
Of bliss up here
Is disappearing dot by dot
And it's hot!