Vertaling: appear from behing the iconostasis bearing the Holy Gifts of bread and wine to show them to the congregation.
Vertaling: Lovo Muziek. Nalatenschap.
Vertaling: The Fabulous avonturen van Alexander de Grote. The UK premiere was at the University of York, November 1999.
Vertaling: All the world's great lovers have been glorified hist'ry placed them in a romentic set. Engels. Solero. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Vertaling: Deel II. door Alicia Keys. - Digitale bladmuziek. Broken Down. Plan. Vocal. Gitaar. Stem, bereik.
Vertaling: Hittegolf van There's No Business Like Showbusiness. The Great American Songbook - The Singers. - Digitale bladmuziek.