Vertaling: This makes everything sound better and means you don't have to retune your Guitar during and after use - a real godsend.
Vertaling: Bladmuziek. Piano, Vocal.
Vertaling: It sets the tone of the composition, weight is added, and one can even sense how it directs Bach's thought-process. Bladmuziek. Duet.
Vertaling: Zwart.
Vertaling: iKlip universele microfoonstandaard adapter voor iPad 2. Cutting-Edge Italian Design, Solid Construction.
Vertaling: Multi-Function Elektronisch Toetsenbord.
Vertaling: Medeplichtig. It may seem simple but this is a great piece of kit for creating, editing and composing bass loops on the fly.
Vertaling: The powerful 600 AHL sound tones and the 48-note polyphony generate great sounds. All in all, a keyboard that shows what you can do.
Vertaling: THR 10X Metal Desktop Versterker.
Vertaling: Thunderbolt-compatibele audio-interface. Designed for both studio and live use, the Focusrite. 96kHz conversion rate.
Vertaling: Ebbehout.
Vertaling: AC15 Custom gitaarversterker.