Vertaling: This setting of a text by Philip Doddridge was published on p49 of Thomas Clark's A Fifth Set of Psalm and Hymn Tunes , London. CM.
Vertaling: Doe mee aan Nature's Way. van 'The Fifth Cup'. Doe mee aan Nature's Way. van 'The Fifth Cup'. Gershon Kingsley.
Vertaling: Neem deel aan Nature's Way van The Fifth Cup.. uit de musical The Fifth Cup.. Doe mee aan Nature's Way.
Vertaling: A Cappella bladmuziek. Percussie bladmuziek. Tussenliggend. Vrijheid Kom samengesteld door Ben Allaway. Voor SSAA koor. a cappella. Concert.
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Vertaling: A Cappella bladmuziek. Percussie bladmuziek. Tussenliggend. Vrijheid Kom samengesteld door Ben Allaway. Voor SATB koor. a cappella. Concert.
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Vertaling: A familiar song or tune is one of the best way to introduce a modern or at least unfamiliar way of playing the piano.
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Vertaling: The right hand uses a descending G major scale pattern, making the melody an excellent way to practice the fingering for this scale.
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