Vertaling: 1980s - Decade door Decade. Crazy for You. Everytime You Go Away. Whitney Houston. It Might Be You.
Vertaling: De Wedding Songs Grote Boek. Because You Loved Me. Hallelujah I Love Her So. I Believe In You. I Swear.
Vertaling: I Only Wanna Be With You. Stairway to Heaven. You Send Me. Stairway To Heaven. You Send Me.
Vertaling: De Billboard Hot 100s 1990s - 2000s. I Do It For You. Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman. How You Remind Me.
Vertaling: Whitney Houston, en veel meer. Because You Loved Me. Dance to the Music. Do You Wanna Know A Secret.
Vertaling: Bladmuziek. This selection of 'lite hits,' arranged by Dan Coats, includes some of the best pop songs of the last few decades.
Vertaling: How Do I Live. How You Remind Me. I Just Wanna Be Your Everything. I Swear. I Wanna Hold Your Hand.