Vertaling: Lof. Zie Israël Gentle Shepherd Stand. O Liefde How Deep, hoe breed, How High. Be Still, My Soul. Divers.
Vertaling: Lof. Zie Israël Gentle Shepherd Stand. O Liefde How Deep, hoe breed, How High. Be Still, My Soul. NIV, Brown.
Vertaling: De Hymn Fake Book - C Edition. De Kerk Doth Stand. Natuur Met Open Volume Stands. Dichter, Still Dichter.
Vertaling: De Hal Leonard Real Jazz Fake Book - C Edition. Israël. Zondag in New York. I Found A New Baby.
Vertaling: De Hal Leonard Jazz Real Book. Israël. Autumn in New York. I Found A New Baby. My Heart Stood Still.