Vertaling: Good Ol 'Songs. I Aint Got Nobody. I Aint Got Nobody. I Want a Girl. I Wish I Were Single Again.
Vertaling: Mary Rose's Reel. Twin Katy's Reel. Mijn liefde is als The Red, Red Rose. Divers. Fiddle bladmuziek. Viool bladmuziek.
Vertaling: E-Z Играть Сегодня. I Want a Girl. If I Had My Way. A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody. Rose Of Washington Square.
Vertaling: 2015 Grootste Pop. Katy Perry. Dan Coates. Easy Piano bladmuziek. Piano Solo bladmuziek. Begin. 2015 Grootste Pop.
Vertaling: 2015 Grootste Pop. Piano Solo bladmuziek. Big Note. 2015 Grootste Pop. The Biggest Movies. The Greatest Artists.
Vertaling: Gemakkelijk Songs voor het begin Tenor. The Rose of Tralee. Katy Bell. Katy Bell. Divers. Voice bladmuziek.
Vertaling: Divers. Guitar Tablature bladmuziek. Over 40 Instant Classics. Door Various. Voor gitaar. Authentic Guitar TAB.
Vertaling: Vierentwintig Negro Melodies, Op. 59 - I Was Way Down A-Yonder. Forest Scenes, Op. 66 - I. De Lone Bos Maiden.
Vertaling: Meer dan 200 Ierse Songs and Dances. Als je een Wild Irish Rose. O Katy O'Niel. The Girl I Left Behind Me.
Vertaling: 101 Ukulele Favorieten. Ukulele bladmuziek. 101 Ukulele favorieten gearrangeerd door Jonathon Robbins. Voor ukelele. Deze editie. Paperback.
Vertaling: De Giant Pop. If I Die Young. Kiss from a rose. Love You Like a Love Song. Kiss From A Rose.
Vertaling: De Giant Book of Pop. Kiss From a Rose. People Like Us. Easy Piano bladmuziek. Piano Solo bladmuziek. Begin.
Vertaling: Fake Book Of 's Werelds Favorite Songs - C Instrumenten - 4e editie. The Girl I Left Behind. Hoe Dry I Am.
Vertaling: Het volkslied Fake Book - C Edition. Rose Of Tralee, The. Rose, Rose. Tex-i-an Boys, The. Canada I-O.
Vertaling: K-K-K-Katy. I Aint Got Nobody. I Want a Girl. I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate.
Vertaling: Katy Perry. Everything I Do. I Do It for You. The Rose. The Rose. DEEL I. Everything I Do.
Vertaling: A Family Treasury of Pop Bladmuziek. Kiss from a rose. I Do It For You. Kiss From A Rose. Feels Like Home.
Vertaling: Kinderen Go Where I Send Thee. Gal I Left Behind Me, The. Give Me the Roses. I Aint Gonna Work Tomorrow.