Vertaling: Wat is uw radio. Digitale bladmuziek.
Vertaling: 120 pagina's. I Saw the Light. Turn Your Radio On. Will the Circle Be Unbroken.
Vertaling: Gospel's Greatest gecomponeerd door Various. 295 pagina's. I Saw the Light. The Old Rugged Cross.
Vertaling: Alleluia To The Lamb. America, the Beautiful. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Beyond The Sunset.
Vertaling: Koningin. 390 pagina's. , "Another One Bites the Dust". gekenmerkt door de beroemde Live Aid verschijning in 1985.
Vertaling: The Ultimate Country Fake Book - 5e editie. The Ultimate Country Fake Book - 5e editie. 568 pagina's.
Vertaling: 400 pagina's. When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder. I Saw The Light. Down On My Knees. The Promise.