Vertaling: the music was executed with what they had at hand. brass, for example. Seculiere, Carol. Taal. Spaans.
Vertaling: Ik hoorde de klokken op eerste kerstdag. Longfellow was inspired to write the classic text after two family tragedies.
Vertaling: The fact is, the old composers were probably better acquainted both with God and man. Heilig, Hymn. Taal. Engels.
Vertaling: Basso continuo. Seculiere, Air. Taal. Latin. Alleen SS.
Vertaling: Moreover, in that way we get united with his human side which is close to us and which we understand the best.
Vertaling: piano, fluit, twee hobo's, twee klarinetten, twee fagotten, twee hoorns, pauken, vier violen, altviool, cello's 3, bassen 3.
Vertaling: Grijs, Brian. Grijs, Brian. 2 klarinetten. en 1 basklarinet. Hoofd bladmuziek.