Vertaling: Trein. Digitale bladmuziek.
Vertaling: Scott Underwood, Pat Monahan, James Stafford. Trein. Nalatenschap. Plan. Vocal. Chords.
Vertaling: Riding the night train, New York to L. A., gonna go and get me some sunshine. Hal Leonard, Universal. Engels.
Vertaling: Professionele Regelingen in een gemakkelijk te lezen Fake Book. Bladmuziek.
Vertaling: 101 Hits Voor Ukulele. Bladmuziek.
Vertaling: , Come Away with Me. ,Don’t Leave Me this Way. ,Jesus to a Child. ,Runaway Train. ,Back to Black - Rehab.
Vertaling: Gebied 0.
Vertaling: Learn To fingerpick. Gebied 0. Gitaar. popdeuntjes.
Vertaling: Write Me A Few Lines, Been Drinking Out of A Hollow Log, Fred's Worried Life Blues, The Train I Ride, Kokomo Blues. Gebied 0.