{Mommy, where's Daddy? He's been gone for so long Do you think he'll ever come home?} I was gone for fourteen days I coulda been gone for more Held up
She stands at the top of the castlewall she gazes at the seashore below half a glass since the crimson of dusk but her sombre soul takes no notice of
Graf von Krolock: Jahrelang war ich nur Ahnung in dir, jetzt suchst du mich und hast Sehnsucht nach mir. Nun freu dich, uns beide trennt nur noch
distance binds us locked in twain You will remain my ball and chain My ball and chain you will remain You've always been my ball and chain My ball
Hear the rime of the Ancient Mariner See his eyes as he stops one of three Mesmerizes one of the wedding guests Stay here and listen to the nightmares
I should never guess you and I should never regret oh, it's all the same just play the game carry the weight of this ball and chain of this ball and chain of this ball
listen to the sound of the underground your ears start to deafen your head begins to pound the crowd starts to move as the earth begins to quake your
You're dead!
He's dead.
Vertaling: 8Ball. Het leven is wat leidt je af van Death.
Vertaling: Stormtroopers of Death. The Ballad Of Jimi Hendrix.
Vertaling: Stormtroopers of Death. Ballad Of Mike Hutchens.
Vertaling: Stormtroopers of Death. Ballad Of Phil Hartman.
Vertaling: Dance Of The Vampires. God Is Dead.
: Mommy where's daddy he's been gone for so long do you think he'll ever come home I was gone for fourteen days I coulda been gone for more Held up
rationalize you and i should never guess you and i should never regret it's all the same just play the game carry the weight of this ball and chain this ball and chain this ball