(Heavy mixing through-out) Next to step up. All the fuckers that know who's the best, know me Alotta liars are telling a lie 'cause they know it'll destroy
, it's blood music. When you do it, and do it for the love, it's blood music. Music is my blood, lyrics are my skeleton. My music is a drug ''cause i
how he likes to flirt with strangers. He'd drop you in a second to watch the Indiana Pacers. [Yas] Bobby, come on, you and Erica are dead wrong, you'
try to embarrass us. Nine eleven was disasterous. Fuck those devil advocates. My religion is peace love and happiness. This shock cannot be televised for free. ''cause bright lights and dead
Music. She was once innocent, perfect. But now I fear for the worst. The day they drained her of all her blood, will be the day Music dies.
parents screaming. Louder than Metallica playing with a symphony. Louder than crowds in the eighties screaming for Tiffany. I feel secluded, my thoughts feel polluted. So I escape to music
(Click Click Click, sshh) Somebody turn the lights off. Sometimes my eyes are hollow and sleepy Somebody turn the lights down. Sometimes my skin wishes
, you can have it too I got two middle fingers an' they're pointin' at you I'm the Messiah, I'm anti-celebrity I'm anti-war like John Lennon in the seventies Dead
sex sells music, Nobody likes your songs, they watch your videos muted. Mixed and diluted, polluted trashed will crash. This prostitute music selling songs with ass, I gasp for breath, Dead
streets of Harlem. and a quest that became with a ring like golem. My precious, we need you, quick. We need you like Dead Celebrity's Blood Music. And
She wasn't born anorexic, but nowadays she suffers, staring at these half-naked stars on magazine covers. feeling pressured by the public. She only weighs
Thought everything was perfect, but now I'm left deserted. red handed, caught cheating, my hearts beating. Do I deserve this? I used to love her, but
. Riding a white pony? That explains my Deftones. I'm Illmatic like a storm on this microphone. Walking across Abbey Road with Ringo Starr. But Yoko Ono was dead
Vertaling: Dead Celebrity Status. Blood Music.