A hundred men went off to war ... a hundred men. Their hearts were heavy, their heads were high As they kissed the ones they left behind. Some were eager
She was young, she was pure, she was new, she was nice She was fair, she was sweet seventeen. He was old, he was vile, and no stranger to vice He was
I have been a rover, I have been a bold deceiver And now I earn my livin' with my pistol and my rapier I don't know what I've stolen, but 'twould make
Introduction: This one is the story of Harry Pollitt. Harry Pollit was at one time a very influential member of the Communist Party in England, until
We've traveled all over this country A pickin' and singing for gold, In concerts, in nightclubs, on TV, Yes we have been frequently sold Yes we have been
REFRAIN: Vikki turn your back on me Come on darlin' just for me 'Cause there is something so appealin', that your eyes are not revealin'! Oh, Miss Dougan
Well, I went to see my Doctor, I said, "Doc, I can't pay my bills! The rent's all spent, The truck's got a dent, And I think I'm gettin' the chills
Vertaling: De Limeliters. Bitch Nigga.
Vertaling: De Limeliters. Another Day.
Vertaling: De Limeliters. The Far Side Of The Hill.
Vertaling: De Limeliters. Gotta Travel On.
Vertaling: De Limeliters. Global Carnaval.
Vertaling: De Limeliters. Honderd mannen.
Vertaling: De Limeliters. Acres Of Limeliters.
Vertaling: De Limeliters. Harry Pollitt.
Vertaling: De Limeliters. Have Some Madeira, M'dear.
Vertaling: De Limeliters. Vasectomie.
Vertaling: De Limeliters. Vikki Dougan.