Asleep mid-sentence- the words fell apart. No one is listening anyway. This day will soon turn black and my "wants and needs" will spill on me burning
Black, black clouds up on my sky Black, black clouds up on my sky make the perfect day for the calling crows make the perfect sound for the wind that
Rose you have gone and the fire is blown i lift up my hands and touch the flames again joy will come to chase the ghosts in my blood cleaning the stains
Vertaling: Between The Buried And Me. Mordechai.
Vertaling: Mordechai. Dawn Eternal.
Vertaling: Mordechai. The Last Winter.
Vertaling: Mordechai. Infinity Of Creation.
Vertaling: Mordechai. Vermaning.
Vertaling: Mordechai. Christ Mass.
Vertaling: Mordechai. Goddelijke Wintertijd.
Vertaling: Mordechai. Morning Mist.
Vertaling: Mordechai. Snow Soul.