I stand and thou shalt obey! Daemon rise, from where in flames souls writhe. I speak the words, and so the earth shall burn. "Of purest pandaemonium
[Music and lyrics: Daniel Reda] An ancient man was riding with death in his heart, his beautiful black horse was trying to understand why the ancient
[Instrumental] [Music: Daniel Reda]
[Music and lyrics: Daniel Reda] "Listen to the wind", said the old man to the warrior "Listen, it's talking to you, singing its sweet melodies, Carrying
[Music: Ragman]
[Music and lyrics: Daniel Reda] We are gonna blow this place away, we're here to kill Dwarves and Elves. Your end is drawing closer, we got the magic
[Music and lyrics: Ragman] Don't be, don't be, don't be afraid, Sandman's coming to your bed to pray. You live in a dream of a thousand faces listening
[Music and lyrics: Daniel Reda] Screaming and laughing dancing in your head The angels arrive scorched by death Today with the idea of destroying the
[Music and lyrics: Lorenzo Zirilli] [Solo: Alex Niall] Screams of pain 'till morning comes to face the night, but dark's still calling. From right to
Daniel Reda and Ragman] Ab caelo venit Et in terram cadit. Jesus me ejecit ob meam insolentiam. Urbem condidi, Milites institui. Furiae, stregae genuerunt Pandaemonium
[Music and lyrics: Daniel Reda] Madness in my eyes, I would have never died The dragon flies over me And I can't kill him His shadow covers my soul
Vertaling: Pandaemonium. Het Licht.
Vertaling: Weissglut. Pandaemonium.
stand and thou shalt obey! Daemon rise, from where in flames souls writhe. I speak the words, and so the earth shall burn. "Of purest pandaemonium