Mother says, "Be careful And don't stay out too long Don't do things you shouldn't Miss me when I'm gone? Daddy says, "Not now, son Well, just do the
d'amour au parfum de miel sur les levres cette vieille chanson que chantai le vent refrain: sierra, sierra madre del sur sierra, sierra madre sierra, sierra madre del sur sierra, sierra madre
He was born in Oklahoma His wife's name was old Betty Lou Thelma Liz And he ain't responsible for what he is doing Because his mama made him what he is
Vertaling: Joe. Moeder zegt.
Vertaling: Walsh, Joe. Moeder zegt.
Vertaling: Ronny. Sierra Madre del Sur.
Vertaling: Lieve mensen. Sierra Madre.
senza tetto guarda che faccia te l'ho gia detto se non cambi resti senza tetto Mia madre poi mi dice che nessuno e fuori come me mai madre poi
I saw you three times today I saw two birds trapped in a white dome a miserable road corroborates Is it any wonder that I sing from a white porch? Our