Vertaling: Blazersensemble. Heilig, Motet. Taal. née Gosman.
Vertaling: Leanne Daharja Veitch. Heilig, Pagan muziek. SATB and Choral SAB soli. Crescent Moon is by no means a traditional choral piece.
Vertaling: Seculiere, Partsong. Taal. Engels.
Vertaling: Seculiere, Kerstmis. Taal. Engels. Night Wind of Bethlehem is a short, simple call.
Vertaling: Jon Corelis. Harp. Seculiere, Partsong. Taal. Engels. An experimental piece.
Vertaling: Seculiere, Partsong. Taal. Engels. strofen van Konrad von Würzburg. 13 cent.
Vertaling: Sarah Lambert. A cappella. Seculiere, Chorale. Taal. Engels. SATB. Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Refugee Week concert 20.
Vertaling: I thought it would be an interesting exercise to create an 'original Bach version' of Hark. Johann Sebastian Bach arr. Plan.
Vertaling: Eventually I thought “Hang on, this is supposed to. Firstly, to create a light and. Tambourine si placet. Seculiere, Partsong.
Vertaling: In composing this piece I’ve tried to write simply, and to make the piece more readily performable than some of my other works. Taal.
Vertaling: Viool I. Melody in J.S. Bach’s ’Vierstimmige Choralgesdnge. founded on Gesius’ ’Geduld diesoll’n wir haben’. Koor. Gerald Manning.
Vertaling: Hoorn I. Trombone I. Viool I. Orkest. Bastrombone. Contrabass. Horn III & IV in F. Violet.
Vertaling: Bladmuziek.
Vertaling: Two well-known praise choruses are blended into one satisfying arrangement by Larry Mayfield creating a unique anthem. Bladmuziek.
Vertaling: With simple yet elegant harmonies and a wonderful expressive text, you will create an unforgettable concert effect. Bladmuziek. --.
Vertaling: Sinds ik legde mijn lasten omlaag. Bladmuziek.